Monday, April 28, 2014

'Game of Thrones' recap: The trouble with oaths - The Star-Ledger

Spoilers ahead.

Swearing an oath in the Seven Kingdoms is a risky endeavor. Rob Stark swore an oath to marry a daughter of House Frey. He broke it and it cost him his wife, unborn son and mother. Ned Stark swore an oath to protect the king, and it cost him his head. Theon Greyjoy swore an oath to the Greyjoys against the Starks, and it cost him his, well, let's just say it really cost him.

This week's episode of "Game of Thrones," "Oathkeeper," recalls a theme introduced in the season premiere: loyalty. Historically, swearing an oath is costly in Westeros. And with a season tagline of "all men must die," it's probably safer to be dishonorable, or at least mercurial.

Last week, we were still reeling from the Purple Wedding, but things are picking up speed again. Let's go over what we learned.



game-of-thrones-recap-oathkeeper-brienne.jpgBrienne is sent on a mission by Jaime in this week's episode of "Game of Thrones," "Oathkeeper." 
Jaime (and Cersei): If Jaime Lannister made a folk record, it would probably be a) terrible and b) called "Another Side of Jaime Lannister." We saw him at his worst last week when he raped his sister. This week, did we see his attempt at redemption? His scene with Brienne of Tarth is key. Brienne is reading from the lord commander's history of the King's Guard, and Jaime's entry ends with the well-worn kingslayer tale. "It's the duty of the lord commander to fill those pages," Jaime says. "And there's still room left on mine." He sends Brienne, packing one of the blades forged from Ned Stark's sword, to honor his oath sworn to Catelyn Stark to bring her daughters back alive. Cersei has put a bounty on Sansa's head, suspecting she had some role in Joffrey's murder. Jaime's shot at redemption may cost him his life. The name Brienne chooses for her! new blade: Oathkeeper.

Tyrion: His situation appears to be growing more dire. But he has one thing going for him: Jaime believes he had no part in Joffrey's death. That doesn't count for much, since Cersei will give Tyrion no quarter (she even went as far as asking Jaime to kill him), but it's something. And Tyrion will likely use it as leverage. It also helps that Bronn, Tyrion's hired muscle, is still about town, doling out southpaw fencing lessons to Jaime. As long as Bronn's free, he's useful.


game-of-thrones-recap-margaery.jpgMargaery learned two important lessons in this week's episode of "Game of Thrones," "Oathkeeper." 
Margaery: Margaery got more than she bargained for this week when she was forced to hear grandma's awkward sex story. To be precise, she got two lessons about life in Westeros. The first, regicide is no stretch for dear old granny. Lady Olenna indirectly admits it to her, "You didn't think I'd let you marry that beast, do you?" The second, getting ahead in the Seven Kingdoms requires some unsavory deeds. If you want to be queen, Olenna advises, you'd better get to Tommen Baratheon before Cersei does. Hint hint: Use my awkward sex story as an example. Thankfully, we didn't have to watch Margaery seduce 12-year-old Tommen. She's too smart for that (I hope).

Lady Olenna: As suspected, Olenna had a role in Joffrey's death. A quick cut scene makes it appear that she conspired with Petyr Baelish. While Olenna's motive is transparent, mercurial Littlefinger's remains opaque.


game-of-thrones-recap-oathkeeper-sansa.jpgSansa learns of Littlefinger's intentions in this week's episode of "Game of Thrones," "Oathkeeper." 
Sansa: Somewhere at sea with Littlefinger, Sansa begins to piece things together. Baelish tells her that the necklace Dontos gave her contained poison. So her hands aren't entirely clean in the king's murder. Sansa also learns that they're sailing to another wedding (what could possibly go wrong?). Little Finger intends to wed her aunt, Lysa Arryn. But what, exactly, does Petyr Baelish want from presumed conspiring with the Tyrells to kill a king? "A man with no motive is a man no one suspects," Baelish says. "I'd risk everything to get what I want." "And what do you want? Sansa asks. "Everything." So Baelish's motive is everything. Great.

Jon Snow: Jon's loyalty to the Night's Watch may cost him his life. He's intent on stopping the mutineers at Craster's Keep before the wildlings get to them and learn of the Wall's meager defenses. And Ser Alliser Thorne is willing to give him what he wants. Sending Jon off on the fool's errand will likely get him killed, and quash any chance of Jon being elected to lord commander of the Night's Watch. Locke, a Night's Watch recruit, is a bit too eager to join Jon, and Alliser seems a bit too eager to see him accompany Jon.

game-of-thrones-recap-oathkeeper-bran.jpgBran is going to need the help of Jon Snow after this week's episode of "Game of Thrones," "Oathkeeper." 
Bran: Jon also suspects that he might find Bran at Craster's Keep, and unfortunately for all parties concerned, Jon's suspicions are likely to prove correct. Roaming beyond the wall, Bran hears the cries of a baby offered up by the mutineers to the White Walkers. Jon uses his Jedi mind trick to embody his wolf, Summer, and goes to investigate. He finds Craster's Keep overrun by the mutineers, and he finds Jon's wolf, Ghost, in a cage. Summer is soon ensnared by the mutineers. Bran, Hodor, Jojen and Meera move in save Summer and Ghost, but are also captured.

Daenerys: Adding to her reputation as a liberator, Daenerys deploys Grey Worm and several other Unsullied to infiltrate Mereen and arm the slaves for a revolt. She takes pride in her free army and the free people who follow her, but she's walking a very fine line by ruling with an iron fist. After the liberated slaves have rounded up their masters, Ser Barristan advises her: "Sometimes it is better to answer injustice with mercy." "I will answer injustice with justice," Daenerys says. Justice, in this instance, consists of crucifying 163 of the masters. Those who march with Daenerys are free, but will they become prisoners of her terror?


  • With the White Walkers carrying off the newborn boy from Craster's Keep, is it safe to assume that winter is here?
  • Is anyone else getting tired of Samwell Tarly?
  • I don't know what to make of Petyr Baelish. If I had to venture a guess, the little man couldn't win the heart of Catelyn Tully all those years ago, and that unrequited boyhood love is the source of all his scheming. Does he want to destroy House Tully/Stark from the inside? What do you think his intentions are? Please jump in in the comments.
  • Comment of the week: The comment of the week comes from sage1959, who made this astute observation: "The reason I do not think it was the pie is because consuming it first could not necessarily be controlled. Joffery could have offered the first bite to his Queen. And as usual, left overs are going to the dogs (not the poorest of the Kingdom). To much risk on who else may consume the pie." Nothing is left up to chance in this show. This is certainly true of the assassination of a key character. Thanks, sage1959.

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