Friday, April 25, 2014

Zack Snyder Finds a Cyborg - Empire Online


Chalk up yet another character for Zack Snyder's follow-up to Man Of Steel, and another potential member of the Justice League showing up on screen. Theatre veteran Ray Fisher has been hired to play Cyborg.

Though he'll only be a relativity minor part in the new film, he's definitely part of the League, which just adds more fuel to the speculative fire that the new Batman/Superman/Wonder Woman outing is gearing up to spin off various members of the DC superhero organisation for their own films. And elements of Cyborg's background were layered into Man Of Steel, including S.T.A.R. Labs. So we'd expect him to get a more prominent role down the line.

Fisher, who was also , has been better known for his work on the stage than the screen, drawing plays for playing Muhammad Ali in Fetch Clay, Make Man. He joins a cast that already includes Henry Cavill, Ben Affleck, Gal Gadot, Jesse Eisenberg, Amy Adams, Laurence Fishburne, Amy Adams, Diane Lane, Jeremy Irons and Holly Hunter. Snyder is at work even now on the film, which is set to hit our cinemas on April 29 head of its May 6 debut across the pond.

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