Thursday, April 24, 2014

SPOILER: Mad Men, The Final Season, Episode Two: A Day's Work

With no job to go to and wife Megan seeking fame on the opposite coast, Don finds himself with only the TV for company as he ambles away his days sleeping until noon, eating crackers, dossing in his dressing gown and perusing magazine ads.

But his hand is always pulling the advertising strings and this week, he's enlisted the spying skills of his loyal secretary Dawn, who is keeping him fully abreast of the comings and goings at SC&P. So why is he courting the interest of rival ad companies?

They certainly don't seem to be missing him over at SC&P. It's Valentine's Day but there's not much love in the air. Pete's seething because Benson will be looking after his new account, Roger Sterling clashes with Jim Cutler (who scathingly refers to Don as the firm's "ex-wife who still receives alimony"), and Avery gets everyone's backs up, especially Joan's and Dawn's, who he wants replaced. You could also cut the air with a knife between Peggy and her secretary after an honest mistake over a bunch of roses, which Miss Olsen at first believes her for her. She's left very red-faced and angry out of jealousy and loneliness once the truth emerges. Not a good day in the office a! ll round.

Don Draper has some explaining to do this week (Lionsgate/BSkyB)

Sally is discovering more and more things about her father, and it doesn't bode well for their fragile relationship. After catching Don with his neighbour last season and making her feelings about it perfectly clear to him, this week she shows up at SC&P to find him missing and Avery all settled in her father's former office. When she confronts Don, he (surprise, surprise) lies to her and says he left early as he was sick. But she's not buying it. Our Sally is not only growing up, but is also, it seems, developing an intolerance to her father's BS. As he drives her back to school, he gets angry at first, trying to divert the argument towards her skipping her studies, but soon relents and during a restaurant pit-stop, he opens up about his leave of absence, all the while realising his little girl is becoming an independent and complicated young woman.

Mad Men has started its final run at a slow pace, but it could just be setting the s! cene and positioning the pieces for what's to come. Let's hope so anyway.

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