Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Jonah Hill Near Tears In Second Homophobic Slur Apology -

Just hours after he spilled his heart out and apologized for throwing out an ill-considered homophobic slur against a paparazzi photographer over the weekend, Jonah Hill took time out from promoting "22 Jump Street" on "The Tonight Show" on Tuesday night to offer another, even more heartfelt mea culpa.

To recap, Hill said he was trailed all day by the photographer, who he said was baiting him with ugly comments about Hill and his family. At one point, Hill snapped and said, "Suck my d—, you f—–!" Hill, who has long been an outspoken advocate for gay rights, said he got fed up, made a bad choice and let the members of the LGBTQ community he's supported his whole life down with his words.

"In response, I wanted to hurt him back, and I said the most hurtful word that I could think of at that moment," Hill said, adding that he did not mean to use the word in a homophobic way. "Words have weight and meaning, and the word I chose was grotesque. And no one deserves to say or hear words like that."

With a catch in his voice and sounding on the verge of tears, Hill had to pause for a moment to gather his thoughts. "I think that doesn't matter," Hill finally said. "How you mean things doesn't matter… My heart's broken and I genuinely am deeply sorry to anyone who's ever been affected with that term in their life."

While he said he doesn't deserve or expect forgiveness, Hill did make a plea to young people at home watching his apology. "If someone says something that hurts your or angers you, use me as an example of what not to do. And don't respond with hatred or anger," he said. "Because you're just adding more ugliness to the world."

Here's his full apology:

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