Thursday, June 12, 2014

Truck driver in Tracy Morgan crash pleads not guilty, released on $50000 bail - New York Daily News

Kevin Roper (center) arrives for a court appearance Wednesday.Mel Evans/AP Kevin Roper (center) arrives for a court appearance Wednesday.

The truck driver charged in the crash that nearly killed "30 Rock" star Tracy Morgan kept his mouth shut tight at a Wednesday court appearance.

Kevin Roper, who proclaimed his innocence on Twitter, uttered not a word as he was released on $50,000 bail after a Middlesex County Courthouse appearance.

His attorney said Roper was innocent of any wrongdoing: "You may enter a not guilty plea across the board."

Judge Bradley Ferencz, in continuing Roper's bail, noted the trucker's driving record was clean before the Saturday wreck that left a Morgan pal dead and nearly killed the popular comic.Roper, 35, wore a white dress shirt, dark slacks and brown shoes to court. He was charged with vehicular homicide and assault by auto against the four survivors of the New Jersey Turnpike crash.

Roper and defense attorney David Glassman were greeted by a media horde when they arrived in New Brunswick, N.J., inside a black Suburban SUV.

He and his lawyer completely ignored all questions from reporters, including many questions about the Twitter account where Roper apparently claimed he was scapegoated in the crash.

Tracy Morgan was cricially injured when his vehicle was hit by a tractor-trailer on the New Jersey Turnpike on Saturday.Christopher Polk/Getty Images Tracy Morgan was cricially injured when his vehicle was hit by a tractor-trailer on the New Jersey Turnpike on Saturday. MANDATORY CREDIT WILL VAULTZ PHOTOGRAPHYWill Vaultz/AP The scene of the Saturday accident, as the limousine bus carrying Tracy Morgan and others lies on its side.
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  • Tracy Morgan was cricially injured when his vehicle was hit by a tractor-trailer on the New Jersey Turnpike on Saturday.

"Today we saw why media has turned this country into nothing but a real life REALITY SHOW," read one of the Twitter messages. "Do they all come to my court date if a certain "FAMOUS PERSON" wasn't involved? Did the media show up for all the other ACCIDENTS this year that a driver was charged with a crime?"

A series of five tweets asserted his innocence and claimed he was charged only after police realized one of the victims was Morgan.

The defendant and his lawyer left the courthouse without speaking as well.

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