Monday, May 12, 2014

Drag Kim Kardashian look-alike wins Eurovision - New York Daily News

A bearded Austrian drag act who has been compared to Kim Kardashian, has won Europe's biggest song contest.

Conchita Wurst, whose real name is Tom Neuwirth, won the 59th annual Eurovision Song Contest on Saturday.

Wurst won easily, beating the Dutch and the Swedish entrants into second and third place, respectively, in the contest loved — and hated — in equal measure for its kitschy appeal.

Wurst, who was compared to Kardashian last year for copying her look when she appeared at a Vienna ball, said her victory was one for "respect and tolerance".

Singer Conchita Wurst represented Austria during the Eurovian contest.Frank Augstein/AP Singer Conchita Wurst represented Austria during the Eurovian contest. 'This night is dedicated to everyone who believes in a future of peace and freedom. You know who you are — we are unity and we are unstoppable,' Wurst said upon winning.Dominik Bindl/Life Ball 2013/Getty Images 'This night is dedicated to everyone who believes in a future of peace and freedom. You know who you are — we are unity and we are unstoppable,' Wurst sai! d upon winning.
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  • Singer Conchita Wurst represented Austria during the Eurovian contest.
  • 'This night is dedicated to everyone who believes in a future of peace and freedom. You know who you are — we are unity and we are unstoppable,' Wurst said upon winning.

"This night is dedicated to everyone who believes in a future of peace and freedom. You know who you are — we are unity and we are unstoppable," Wurst said, according to BBC.

This was seen as a remark aimed at Russia's anti-gay policies.

The Russian entrants — teenage twins — were booed and countries voting for Russia were also jeered in response to current events in Ukraine.

EUO 3TP DNKOUTSCANPIX DENMARK/REUTERS Conchita Wurst (aka Tom Neuwirth) won the 59th annual Eurovision Song Contest on Saturday. Wurst, whose look has been compared to Kim Kardashian, won with her song 'Rise Like a Phoenix.'TOBIAS SCHWARZ/REUTERS Wurst, whose look has been compared to Kim Kardashian, won with her song 'Rise Like a Phoenix.' Wurst's win wasn't the only highlight of the show. The Russian entry and countries that voted for it were booed over recent events in Ukraine.Ragnar Singsaas/WireImage Wurst's win wasn't the only highlight of the show. The Russian entry and countries that voted for it were booed over recent events in Ukraine.
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Russia ended in seventh place, behind Ukraine.

Twenty-six European countries took part in the contest, which is watched by millions on TV.

France came last with 2 points.


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