Thursday, May 22, 2014

REVIEW: Derek: Check Out Our Top 5 Moments

After all the fun of the zoo trip last week, Ricky Gervais realises animals and our favourite character are naturally a perfect fit and so dogs come to the home to play with the care home residents, but it's not all laughs in tonight's poignant installment.

See our favourite bits of the episode below.

Derek and the dogs

Tonight's episode starts with Derek playing with a dog, and it's genuinely the most adorable thing ever. 'Ivor is my favourist of all, it makes me feel funny in my heart and in my brain'. Ricky G has combined our two favourite things, cute dogs and Derek. We can tell this is already going to be another classic episode.

Poor Ivor

Poor Derek finds out that the dog he was playing with, Ivor, has cancer and has to be put down and lots of crying ensues. He generously tries to offer his own organs to the dog, and is heartbroken to realise he hasn't got the right kidneys to swap them. Poor Derek and ever poorer Ivor.

What happened in tonight's episode? (Channel 4)

Robot wars

Kev has decided he's going to build a robot, why and out of what, no one knows, but he's off dragging Derek to the junk yard and running off with TVs, tennis rackets and springs in shopping trolleys. Apple and Samsung, watch out! Kev starts stealing stuff from the home, tea strainers, cheese graters, ladles, you name it. Hopefully, he's making the world's best robot that can also grate and ladle food... The robot turns out to be a metal version of Ivor, which is quite possibly the sweetest thing Kev has ever done!

'Special medicine'

Derek's dad is a lot like us, alcohol makes him feel better when he's ill too (after it makes us feel worse obviously), and when he's holed up in his sick bed he just wants his whiskey. The nurses clearly catch Derek in the act while helping his dad have some 'medicine', and 'confiscate' it, who then shouts back 'there were people on the Titanic who pushed away their desserts!'. We're not entirely sure what he meant by that, but he's a legend none the less.

Tom going back off to sea.

After the sad news about the pregnancy last week, Tom decides to go back to his navy sea job and Hannah isn't best pleased, telling him that if he 'gets on that boat, that's it' for the pair. After lots of soul searching, Tom seemingly leaves, only to pop back up as the credits rolled.

Phew! Special mention goes to Derek's ongoing attempts at online dating and his forever empty inbox, sadface!

Another fantastic episode of the comedy this evening, but hopefully next week's care home visit will be more fun, and less emotional, we couldn't handle all the sadness!

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