Thursday, May 22, 2014

REVIEW: 24: Live Another Day - Episode Four, 2-3pm

Hostages, chopped off extremities and the marines...

Last week's explosive episode of 24: Live Another Day saw our favourite anti-hero Jack Bauer kick-start a riot to infiltrate the US Embassy. Did we mention he shot some civilians in the knee caps? Yeah, that happened. We were left wondering whether he'd make it in, or get captured by CIA agents Kate and Erik. Without further ado, find out what happens next:

1. Jack gets into the US embassy.

Don't worry, of course he was going to get in! With Chloe's earpiece guidance, he fights his way to the room where Lieutenant Tanner is being held and grabs the young soldier's flight key. Never one to leave a man in the lurch, Jack reassures Tanner that he will prove his innocence over the drone attack. But there's no time to waste. Leaving Tanner locked up in the room, Jack makes a break for the exit, beating the descending marines by seconds. He's thwarted by technology though, and when he reaches the door discovers that the building has been locked down.

2. Simone's hubby tries to back-out of the terrorist attack.

Last week we saw Simone return home to her mother, brother and husband, Naveed. The pair reconcile and Simone gives Naveed a murder pep talk, but he admits he can't go through with the attack. He pleads with her to run away with him and she reluctantly agrees. The plan is short-lived though and minutes later Simone tells Margot that Naveed no longer wants to pilot the drones. Margot beseeches Naveed to reconsider, and, when he says no ("This is wrong!") Margot's bodyguards start chopping Simone's fingers off until he changes his mind. Gross.

24: Live Another Day (Sky One)

3. Jack takes hostages, shoots people s'more.

Trapped in the building, Jack reverts to plan B: transferring the flight key data to Chloe, even if that means getting caught. She directs him to the comms room, where he waves a gun in the face of three terrified employees before using the only PC in the room as a hot desk. The upload process is painfully slow though and, to stall the approaching marines outside, Jack throws open the door to the comms room, shoots some soldiers and declares that there's a "hostage situation" before slamming the door again.

4. President Heller finds out about Jack.

Fresh from delivering a rousing speech to the British parliament about unity (what a turnaround from last week!), President Heller and his daughter, Audrey, find out that Jack is back. "I'm not making any decisions until I've talked to him," responds Heller, when Mark encourages him to send the marines into the comms room to take down Bauer and defuse the hostage crisis. Heller makes the call to Jack, who spills all about Margot's terrorist plot and the drone-hijacking device. When the call is over, Mark and Heller remain unconvinced about Jack's confession and, despite Audrey's protestations, decide to send the marines in anyway...

5. Jack puts his trust in someone new.

It's been nearly 30 minutes and the pesky upload still hasn't finished, and Jack's out of time. Having received the go-ahead from Heller, the marines rig the comms door with explosives. But of course, Kate has other ideas. She overheard Jack's conversation with Heller and is starting to believe his story. Unbeknownst to the marines, she crawls through an air duct to reach Jack before they do. Knowing they'll shoot him on sight, Kate pleads with Jack to let her take him into CIA custody, and promises to continue the flight key data transfer on his behalf. After pulling the Jack Bauer face, he agrees. Seconds later, the marines blow the door and storm the room... but they'll be no killing this time. At least, not yet. As Jack gets hauled out in cuffs, we switch back to the mansion, where Margot Al-Harazi's assassination plan is set in motion. "Identify the most heavily-armed drones near London," she orders Naveed...

24 is back next Wednesday, Sky 1, 9pm.

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