Friday, May 9, 2014

Jennifer Lawrence Doesn't Want to Be a GIF, but Look! She Always Makes Such ... - E! Online

Jennifer Lawrence GIFTumblr

A person does not choose to be a GIF. A person either is a GIF or they are not.

That quote is from the famous philosopher named us. So sorry to break it to you, Jennifer Lawrence. You are one of the best celebrities to make a GIF out of, so just accept it. We understand your desire to control yourself and stop becoming a GIF after every award show, every red carpet appearance and basically after every time you go out in public.

But it's so hard not to GIF you. Look at you! You are beautiful and funny and you make crazy faces.

And you fall. Quite a bit.

Just look at all these wonderful GIFs of you and remember: 'tis but a privilege to be a small moving picture.

To start, you make the most ridiculous faces:

Jennifer Lawrence GIFs
Jennifer Lawrence GIFs
Jennifer Lawrence GIFs
Jennifer Lawrence GIFs
Jennifer Lawrence GIFs
Jennifer Lawrence GIFs
Jennifer Lawrence GIFs
Jennifer Lawrence GIFs
Jennifer Lawrence GIFs

And you still look more beautiful than 80 percent of the world's population.

Next, you are a sound bite machine that can't be stopped. Nor do we want you to be stopped:

Jennifer Lawrence GIFs
Jennifer Lawrence GIFs
Jennifer Lawrence GIFs
Jennifer Lawrence GIFs
Jennifer Lawrence GIFs
Jennifer Lawrence GIFs
Jennifer Lawrence GIFs
Jennifer Lawrence GIFs
Jennifer Lawrence GIFs
Jennifer Lawrence GIFs

After watching the millionth interview of some celeb talking about what they do on their time off, sometimes we just want to hear a famous person talk about s--tting their pants. *Shrug*

Also, you love food. And you love talking about food.

Jennifer Lawrence GIFs
Jennifer Lawrence GIFs
Jennifer Lawrence GIFs
Jennifer Lawrence GIFs
Jennifer Lawrence GIFs

We also love food. So, let's go get brunch together sometime. It doesn't have to be weird. Just brunch.

And then there is the falling. 

Jennifer Lawrence GIF, Oscars GIF
Jennifer Lawrence GIFs

Sorry, we had to bring it up. We don't think it's an act, because we fall and trip on the regular. And if eyes were on us all the time, there would be no shortage of GIFs of us falling and doing stupid stuff.

Basically, you're just you, and you being you makes great GIFs. Ya know?

Jennifer Lawrence GIFs
Jennifer Lawrence GIFs
Jennifer Lawrence GIFs
Jennifer Lawrence GIFs

Don't ever change, JLaw. And rest easy about being a GIF. Pretty soon the Internet will invent some other form of celebrating funny moments, like 3D holograms that pop out of your computer or something and the GIF will be so over.

Jennifer Lawrence GIFs