Thursday, May 8, 2014

'Power Rangers' Movie 2014 Release Date & Cast News: 90's TV Show ... - Latinos Post

By Freelance Writer ( | First Posted: May 08, 2014 02:27 AM EDT

(Photo : Flickr / Ryan Quick)

It's morphing time!...Or rather - movie morphing time!

Lionsgate and Saban Brands are resuscitating the once-popular reputation of the Power Rangers by bringing the hit TV show on the big screens.

"For those unfamiliar with the concept, its teen characters had the ability to morph into heroes who wore brightly colored uniforms and Daft-Punk-esque helmets," Time reminded. Well, no need to remind Gen X-ers or Y people -- they lived through the height of the "Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers" fame. And, as such, they're the ones who are most likely to clap at the news of a silver screen reboot of the said series.

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"The franchise was launched in 1993 as Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, a television show that, the press release notes, 'quickly became the most-watched children's television program in the United States,'" Time noted. "It made use of pre-existing footage from a Japanese action show, dubbed and paired with original scenes to advance the plot."

The planned movie is actually not the first "Power Rangers" flick -- one had been made in 1995, earning $66 million globally.

For the upcoming iteration, the filmmakers envision the characters to be "a group of high school kids who are infused with unique and cool super powers but must harness and use those powers as a team if they have any hope of saving the world."

Sounds like the same plot that's been used in the series. What will add excitement to the mix is the cast and the team involved in the production. Who will star in this movie? Will they get the hottest teen stars to play the heroes? Who will they get to direct the film?

All those questions may be answered in the next couple of weeks or months. In the meantime, keep checking back with us for more updates!

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