Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Robert Pattinson Says Paparazzi Attention Is 'Different' For Men & Recalls Twilight Saga

Robert Pattinson has discussed the recent transformation in his movie career and why he thinks paparazzi intrusion is differnet for men in the new issue of Premiere magazine, of which he is the cover star.

The Brit shot to international superstardom in the Twilight Saga alongside then-girlfriend Kristen Stewart, after first coming to prominence as Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Now, he has decidedly more "mature" films like The Rover and Maps To The Stars on the horizon.

In a translation from a Maps To The Stars fansite, he tells the French mag: "The first time I ever felt like I was seeing an adult when I looked at myself on screen, was when I discovered the Dior ad that I filmed last year, directed by Romain Gavras. The Rover confirmed this feeling, which continued on Life, the film I just shot with Corbijn.

Robert Pattinson (WENN)

"I think I have more confidence in myself and these Cannes selections are helping a lot. After being dissed for years because of Twilight, my ego was a little bruised."

The star also discussed how good he has become at dodging paparazzi attention, boasting that he went unseen when he was in the UK recently.

R-Pattz in Premiere (Packshot)

"I got better at not being seen," he confessed when asked if he is still a hot target for the photographers. "The last time I went back to London, I wasn't photographed a single time. My best friend told me: 'The next time you get your picture taken, remember this period of time when you were left alone. Don't think of it as a prolongation of all the years you had your picture taken but as an isolated incident.' He is right.

"Before, I was sometimes going crazy when my picture was taken in the streets. It's different when you're a guy because beyond the intrusion of your private life, it's also your masculinity that is ridiculed in a way. You end up face to face with guys that take pictures of you with no care in the world and you can't do anything about it.

"There were moments where I literally wanted to kill them. I calmed down since then. Well, I think so, but it might only be because it's rarer."

He added: "What's twisted in all this, is that my job is to get paid to play other people. How do you want the public to find this credible, if, every day, my face is in tabloids showing me grocery shopping?"

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